A warning letter is an official document representing an act of violation by an individual working in an organization when he/she is actually given a verbal warning before. This letter becomes a part of the individual’s file as a copy of it is attached in the personal file of the individual by the company for record purposes.
It is rather good for the individual to stop his/her practices after any such letter is issued in their name. Warning letters serve a good purpose where an individual himself fails to realize his mistake by himself because through this letter he is not only told of his mistake but also the consequences of further continuation of the same.
Warning letters should be written in a professional tone. It should not indicate to the individual that you are targeting him for some personal issues or reasons. Keeping your focus over the professional error incurred by the individual you should draft the letter with it and no more than this.
It is sometimes the employers’ way of connecting himself with the employee which helps him improve himself. Writing plays a vital role in this respect. Your chosen words either help you to put a positive impact on the reader or vice versa. A word accompanied by the correct use of language proves to be more helpful.
Sample letter
Mr. ABC,
HBL Bank.
Mr. Henry,
HBL Bank.
Dated: 17th August, 20XX
Subject: Warning letter for inappropriate or disruptive behavior with a co-worker.
Dear Henry,
We have observed a tremendous change in your behavior since the day the bank had rejected you the car loan. You know that given the current situation of ongoing crisis we were not in a position to grant you the car loan. You have started to misbehave with your fellow colleagues off and on. Earlier you had misbehaved with the canteen person for not offering you biscuits with tea and today you have ended up messing with a security guard over not keeping a parking place for your car. Henry this is causing serious issues arising within the company. I am hereby warning you to stop misbehaving with your fellow colleagues as this not an appropriate behavior.
You have always worked for the betterment and progress of the company. You have been a hard worker throughout but Henry this sudden change in your attitude is not bringing in fruitful results. I had told you earlier as well and today I am repeating my words that when we get through this crisis, I assure you that you will be granted the car loan but till then you need to have patience. I hope that I have made myself clear. Hope to see a positive change ahead.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. ABC,
HBL Bank.